WTS CT 2023 Year in Review Newsletter

Lisa Slonus, VN President’s Message CTDOT Open House During my first year as WTS CT President I have been thinking a lot about what I wanted to include in my first President’s Message. The first thought was to recap all the wonderful things our chapter has achieved so far this year. And there are many, starting with filling all our open committee chair positions! We reinitiated the Leadership Program, partnering with Fleece and Forest with a series of guided leadership modules and follow-up sessions led by our Leadership Committee (new Leadership Committee Chair Erika Lindeberg, Jacobs) and we are currently working to restart the Mentorship Program in 2024 (new Mentorship Committee It was great to be back in-person at CTDOT for our Open House! And it was successful thanks to everyone’s hard work and effort. We had 63 people register, most showed up, and we had a few walk-ins at the door. We also had several folks sign up to be members! A special thank you to Kim Lesay for being our guest speaker. We also heard from Kelley Kelly, Katherine Yale, Jess Fasi, Arianna Antonucci, and Pat Padlo who shared information about their committees, and Katie Klose filled in for Erika Lindeberg on Leadership. We also had positive support from folks in the crowd including Jackie Primeau, Alex Klose, and Caroline Cianni. March 15, 2023 CTDOT, Newington, CT

Chair, Amber Saleh, RHS Consulting). We have also filled the Events Chair position – a special thank you to CTDOT’s Ariana Antonucci for stepping into this demanding role. So far in 2023, Ariana has organized the CTDOT Open House in March, the Annual Awards and Scholarship Banquet in April, and our Summer Social in September. Ariana also led the charge in planning our 17th Annual Transportation Mini-Series, our Chapter’s signature annual daylong conference, held at CCSU. Our remaining committees continue their great work. Our Scholarship and Student Outreach Committee (led by Katherine Yale, CTDOT) awarded four scholarships in April and continued student outreach events and fundraising for scholarships in 2024. Our DEI and Membership Committee (chaired by Kelley Kelly, FHI Studio) continued the well-received DE&I Coffee and Conversations this year, as well as maintaining and increasing our membership. It was also great to see committee involvement by two men this year. Yes, WTS is an organization focused on advancing women in transportation, but we are not a women’s organization. It takes the efforts of all people to make our industry more diverse and inclusive. Thanks to Jim Kulpa, VHB, for volunteering to be part of the DE&I and Membership Committee and Alex Klose, Town of East Lyme, for volunteering to be part of the Communications Committee (led by Jess Fasi, BL Companies). Jim has organized two hikes for us this year and Alex takes care of our website. Our Immediate Past President, Becca Hall, CDM Smith, has taken on the role of WTS Northeast Regional Representative and Advisory Council Liaison. And Pat Padlo, CTDOT, also a past President, continues in her role as Corporate Sponsor Liaison. This year marked our largest year of corporate sponsorship! Thank you, Corporate Sponsors, you make all of our events and programs possible. These are all important things, but the more I thought about it, our chapter is so much more than what we do and achieve. It is about who we are and how we support each other. This year I have been dealing with many personal situations, both positive and challenging including an exciting career change, health issues, and the recent passing of a family member. Through all of these life events my WTS CT Chapter friends and colleagues have been there for support. The comradery and support that develops amongst our members is invaluable and beyond standard industry networking. I am grateful every day that I discovered WTS CT and am blessed to have this position of honor as Chapter President sitting beside Vice President Katie Hedberg-Klose, CTDOT, Treasurer Steph Bogue, HNTB, and Secretary Sarah Gendreau, HNTB.

WTS International Annual Conference May 10-12, 2023 Atlanta, GA

The 2023 WTS International Annual Conference: The Great Intersection brought together transportation leaders and professionals in Atlanta to explore the essential relationship between transportation and equity. We experienced plenary panels, breakout sessions, technical tours, exhibits, receptions, and a fabulous awards gala at the Georgia Aquarium. Save the date for next year’s conference held in New Orleans from May 7-10, 2024!

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