WTS CT 2023 Year in Review Newsletter

A newsletter from WTS CT, summarizing our 2023 events & initiatives.

2023 Year in Review




Lisa Slonus, VN President’s Message CTDOT Open House During my first year as WTS CT President I have been thinking a lot about what I wanted to include in my first President’s Message. The first thought was to recap all the wonderful things our chapter has achieved so far this year. And there are many, starting with filling all our open committee chair positions! We reinitiated the Leadership Program, partnering with Fleece and Forest with a series of guided leadership modules and follow-up sessions led by our Leadership Committee (new Leadership Committee Chair Erika Lindeberg, Jacobs) and we are currently working to restart the Mentorship Program in 2024 (new Mentorship Committee It was great to be back in-person at CTDOT for our Open House! And it was successful thanks to everyone’s hard work and effort. We had 63 people register, most showed up, and we had a few walk-ins at the door. We also had several folks sign up to be members! A special thank you to Kim Lesay for being our guest speaker. We also heard from Kelley Kelly, Katherine Yale, Jess Fasi, Arianna Antonucci, and Pat Padlo who shared information about their committees, and Katie Klose filled in for Erika Lindeberg on Leadership. We also had positive support from folks in the crowd including Jackie Primeau, Alex Klose, and Caroline Cianni. March 15, 2023 CTDOT, Newington, CT

Chair, Amber Saleh, RHS Consulting). We have also filled the Events Chair position – a special thank you to CTDOT’s Ariana Antonucci for stepping into this demanding role. So far in 2023, Ariana has organized the CTDOT Open House in March, the Annual Awards and Scholarship Banquet in April, and our Summer Social in September. Ariana also led the charge in planning our 17th Annual Transportation Mini-Series, our Chapter’s signature annual daylong conference, held at CCSU. Our remaining committees continue their great work. Our Scholarship and Student Outreach Committee (led by Katherine Yale, CTDOT) awarded four scholarships in April and continued student outreach events and fundraising for scholarships in 2024. Our DEI and Membership Committee (chaired by Kelley Kelly, FHI Studio) continued the well-received DE&I Coffee and Conversations this year, as well as maintaining and increasing our membership. It was also great to see committee involvement by two men this year. Yes, WTS is an organization focused on advancing women in transportation, but we are not a women’s organization. It takes the efforts of all people to make our industry more diverse and inclusive. Thanks to Jim Kulpa, VHB, for volunteering to be part of the DE&I and Membership Committee and Alex Klose, Town of East Lyme, for volunteering to be part of the Communications Committee (led by Jess Fasi, BL Companies). Jim has organized two hikes for us this year and Alex takes care of our website. Our Immediate Past President, Becca Hall, CDM Smith, has taken on the role of WTS Northeast Regional Representative and Advisory Council Liaison. And Pat Padlo, CTDOT, also a past President, continues in her role as Corporate Sponsor Liaison. This year marked our largest year of corporate sponsorship! Thank you, Corporate Sponsors, you make all of our events and programs possible. These are all important things, but the more I thought about it, our chapter is so much more than what we do and achieve. It is about who we are and how we support each other. This year I have been dealing with many personal situations, both positive and challenging including an exciting career change, health issues, and the recent passing of a family member. Through all of these life events my WTS CT Chapter friends and colleagues have been there for support. The comradery and support that develops amongst our members is invaluable and beyond standard industry networking. I am grateful every day that I discovered WTS CT and am blessed to have this position of honor as Chapter President sitting beside Vice President Katie Hedberg-Klose, CTDOT, Treasurer Steph Bogue, HNTB, and Secretary Sarah Gendreau, HNTB.

WTS International Annual Conference May 10-12, 2023 Atlanta, GA

The 2023 WTS International Annual Conference: The Great Intersection brought together transportation leaders and professionals in Atlanta to explore the essential relationship between transportation and equity. We experienced plenary panels, breakout sessions, technical tours, exhibits, receptions, and a fabulous awards gala at the Georgia Aquarium. Save the date for next year’s conference held in New Orleans from May 7-10, 2024!

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ANNUAL AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIP BANQUET April 27, 2023 St. Clements Castle, Portland, CT

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coffee & Conversations

Globally, women remain underrepresented in science technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. The problem is, compared to male counterparts; fewer women in engineering hold leadership roles in the science technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) industry resulting in workplace inequity. Leaders in the STEM fields risk organizations’ long-term sustainability, competitive advantage, increased organizational and team performance, and the potential of meeting strategic planning goals resulting from the lack of a gender-balanced leadership team.

September 14, 2023 for what women can do to advance into leadership and how others can support them. The discussion was guided by viewing the TED Talk ‘Three Ways to be a Better Ally in the Workplace’. Writer and advocate Melinda Elper talked about how we can improve people’s chances for success at work by being allies to those who may face discrimination. In this motivational talk, Melinda provided us with three ways to be a better ally in the workplace. Following the video, participants discussed how they could apply the strategies Melinda provided and additional ways to advocate for underrepresented people in the workplace. A roundtable discussion where we discussed overcoming challenges and what a potential future workplace could be. November 30, 2023

WTS Connecticut Chapter’s annual awards and scholarship dinner highlights individuals, firms, and projects that have helped transform the transportation industry and our Chapter. Congratulations to our winners: Woman of the Year: Carla D. Tillery. FHI Studio Employer of the Year: FHI Studio Member of the Year: Katherine Hedberg-Klose, CTDOT Rosa Parks Diversity Leadership: Dr. Tamara B. Smith, AECOM

Honorary Member: Senator Christine Cohen, Connecticut General Assembly Scholarship Recipients: Emma Petersen, Paige Diciccio, Megan Goulden, Gabriela Spash

May 25, 2023

Dr. Tamara B. Smith discussed results from a research study on The Status of Women in STEM Leadership Positions.

July 13, 2023

A roundtable discussion where we looked at three powerful recommendations

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Membership Spotlight How long have you been a member of WTS?

STEM Night WTS Connecticut and CT CMAA - Connecticut Chapter of

June 8, 2023 Cora J. Belden Library Rocky Hill, CT

Construction Management Association of America held their successful 5th annual #STEM Night. Thank you to all the exhibitors who had some creative and fun hands-on activities and demonstrations to teach participants about careers related to science, technology, engineering, and math. The event was attended by over 250 kids and parents, wow!

When I moved to Connecticut, I didn’t have any experience working with the CT Remediation Standard Regulations. My former supervisor, Rich Hathaway, managed the CTDOT Soil/GW Contract and took a chance on me. That was my first introduction to the transportation field. I started off as an Environmental Inspector and asked tons of questions about how things were constructed. I’ve worked with CTDOT Office of Environmental Compliance for almost 18 years and now manage the Soil/GW Contract for BL Companies. What’s one thing you can’t live without and why? Water, food, and sleep would be the obvious answers but I really can’t live without massages or the occasional neck rub.

Name: Joy Kloss, LEP, CHMM Title: Senior Project Manager/ Principal Company: BL Companies - - - - - -

Approximately 3 months. I was the lucky raffle winner at the 2023 WTS CT Open House at CTDOT! What does a typical workday look like for you? I start my day with looking at my emails and checking my calendar to get the juices flowing. My day is a mix of meetings, site visits, and check-ins with my direct reports. In between, I’m coordinating site investigations and active construction projects, reviewing reports, and preparing plans/spec packages. I’m also the chair of BL Companies’ Safety Committee. What do you enjoy the most about being a WTS member? I’m very new but I appreciate how welcoming everyone has been. Do you have any influences —person, place, or experience—that sparked your interest in the field?

roads, bridges and facilities are constructed. I also like meeting and working with a diverse group of people.

Who or what inspires you? When I meet other women in leadership roles.

How do you enjoy your time outside the office? I’m a mom of two very active kids so that keeps me pretty busy. I love spending time with my family. I swim, golf, and garden to relax.

Hiking Social

Are you involved in any other organizations?

May 21, 2023 MDC Reservoir #6 West Hartford, CT

I’m co-chair of the CT Society for Women Environmental Professionals. I’m also heavily involved in the event planning for SWEP in which I coordinate educational seminars and networking events. I’m also a member of the Environmental Professionals of CT.

Members experienced the Spring blooms along the multi-use trail around the West Hartford Reservoir while connecting with colleagues and enjoying the fresh air! The hike was about 3.6 miles long and was led by Jim Kulpa. It was a beautiful day and a great way to start a spring morning!

What is your favorite part about working in transportation?

I provide environmental services for transportation projects. I enjoy learning how

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Membership Appreciation

Summer Social WTS CT members enjoyed craft beer, frozen margaritas, and great company at the annual summer social. The Student Outreach and Scholarship Committee held a lollipop garden fundraiser – for $20 participants could purchase a large lollipop with the chance of winning an extra prize, such as a gift card or WTS branded item. $652 was raised for the WTS CT scholarship program! September 14, 2023 Alvarium Beer Company New Britain, CT

August 3, 2023 Dunkin’ Park, Hartford, CT

This year’s membership appreciation event took place at the ConnetiCare Picnic Pavilion at Dunkin’ Park to watch the Hartford Yard Goats take on the Reading Fightin’ Phils. Even though the Yard Goats didn’t get the W, a great time was still had by all. We can’t wait to see you at next year’s membership appreciation event!

Chapter Leadership Development

Katie Klose, Karina Massey, Kimado Simpson, Lisa Slonus, and Bin (Brenda) Zhou talked with TRiO students at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). The TRiO program at CCSU is federally funded, designed to help increase post-secondary enrollment, retention, and graduation of low-income, first-generation college students, and/or individuals with disabilities. The panelists discussed their inspirations and roles with professional organizations such as WTS, ASCE, and CMAA, and shared their personal and professional experiences. TRiO students were encouraged to explore education and career opportunities in STEM, build relationships with peers and professionals, be persistent, and seek help when needed.

July 12, 2023 CCSU New Britian, CT

TRiO Panel

This year’s Chapter Leadership Development training was hosted in Newport Beach, California and attended by people from chapters across the

November 15-16, 2023 Newport Beach, CA

United States and Canada. The two day conference provided sessions on best practices for Chapter Leaders and panels to hear the experiences of industry leaders. It was filled with many opportunities to network

with the inspiring group of professionals in attendance.

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17th Annual Transportation Mini-Series The 17th Annual Transportation Mini-Series was held on October 17, 2023. This was our first TMS held at a new venue at CCSU, and we had the highest level of attendance in the conference’s history! We heard topics ranging from The Art of Performance-Based Outreach to Electrying the Future: Electric Vehicles and the Transformation of Transportation, and a lunchtime presentation of Project of the Year. We’re looking forward to next year’s TMS – stay tuned! October 17, 2023 CCSU, New Britain, CT

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ADA 33 rd Anniversary Celebration Event WTS CT partnered with CTDOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE CT), and the UConn Training and Technical Assistance Center (T2 Center) to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 33rd Anniversary on Wednesday July 26 at the City of Meriden Green. Individuals who attended had the opportunity to learn from professionals in the industry planning and designing pedestrian facilities as well as initiatives going on at the local, state, and federal levels. Speakers included FHWA CT Division Administrator Amy Jackson-Grove, CTDOT Commissioner Garret Eucalitto, City of Meriden Mayor Kevin Scarpati, and Town Manger Timothy Coon as well as Lisa Sherman, ITE Featured Speaker & Principal at CDM Smith. In addition, residents from Greenwich and Stamford shared their experience with their guide dogs and expressed admiration and commendation for the vast ADA improvement both within the City of Meriden and throughout the State. Following the speaking portion of event there were table exhibits highlighting different groups and activities. The Safety Circuit Rider Melissa Evans brought the UConn T2 Center’s ADA compliance toolkit to allow participants to gauge pedestrian amenities for mobility or vision impaired users. The toolkit includes manual wheelchairs, masks to simulate total loss of vision, googles to simulate three different visual impairments, and support canes to be used in conjunction with goggles or masks. To experience the day-to-day challenges of a person with disability enhanced participants understanding of the importance of the ADA.

Mindful Leadership Program

July 26, 2023 City of Meriden Green, Meriden, CT

WTS CT partnered with Elyssa Dixon, PE from fleeceandforests to provide members with a six-month program including three guided module sessions and three follow-up conversations. The Mindful Leadership series strengthens management and leadership skills while also improving individual well-being. Module 1: Engineering Your Mind - April 5 This module explored the tenets and science of mindfulness, mindfulness practice, and the benefits of mindfulness for problem solvers. The follow-up conversation took place on May 3. Module 2: Mindful Leadership - June 7 This module focused on understanding management and leadership; growing leadership skills through mindfulness including active listening, awareness, and bias reduction; and the application of mindfulness to project management with diverse teams, stakeholders, and

clients. The follow-up conversation took place on July 5. Module 3: Understanding Emotional Intelligence - August 2

This module examined emotional intelligence through a mindfulness lens by growing self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, social skills, and empathy, and the importance of proactive versus reactive leadership. The follow-up conversation took place on September 12.

Zentangle Art & Mindfulness Practice WTS CT’s Kelley Kelly led a group of members in reducing stress while creating fascinating images through Zentangle, a method of drawing simple repeating patterns into stunning designs! Sometimes

November 8, 2023 AECOM Offices, Rocky Hill, CT

called ‘meditation for people that can’t sit still’, Zentangle is a no-mistakes art form that can lower stress levels, increase mindfulness, and stoke creativity.

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